Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Looking after Mum

Today I am poorly....again

I have the beginnings of sinusitis - so have taken the day off work in the hopes that pain meds, nasal spray, headache strip and Christmas Movies will prevent it from getting worse and I will be able to go to work tomorrow. Will also sew up lavender hearts in a bit - lavender is so soothing.

Its at that stage that it really could go either way - stupidly cold office hasn't helped (so I will be having a word with TL tomorrow - maybe I will be allowed a heater).

I have ME (along with mild raynaulds, migraines, chronic back pain, bad knees, dodgy ligaments all round and pcos I think that it!) so being poorly is nothing new, I can diagnose most infections and know how to treat myself - training new doctors to understand that I will know whats wrong and what meds I need without them even really having to do much but write me that prescription.

So Ferd is looking after me today and also hiding the fact the he has just got muddy paws on my nice clean (and favourite) snuggle blankie

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