LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Blip101-never to enter the room of the same number

101 - with it's symmetry, a more aesthetically pleasing number than 100.

So - how appropriate that Yoda (or Joe-da), the wisest of all Jedi, seemed first to crack the Da Coolj Code. Following a short introduction it was sort of "a few of my favourite things" about blipfoto's Jedi master. I've enjoyed a few of the "series" of blips - none more so than Treegonk's A-Z where I took the inspiration from - 7 was easier than 26 though of course.

Yup, the countdown to the Centum was a mixed bag in the end. Once it began I was concerned that I was gonna struggle to complete my list of things to snap. There was chronological order to follow also.

Day 1...Yoda

Day 2...Joe ...I was looking online for something like "Joe 90" or "Hey Joe" by Jimi but couldn't find anything decent to snap. I opted for the most universally famous Joe I could think of..... Jesus' step-dad. Those who got a wee link between that shot with the baby in a manger and the blipJoe and his near-Christmas arrival - bonus points. It wasn't actually intended. JC had to appear in the shot for context cos Joseph could've been any old figure from history in that garb and the beard (like Acrhimedes for example) . When I asked my Mum where the crib figures where she was like "In mid-February...what on earth...oh you're blipping...might've guessed".

Day 3...Skateboard...Bloody hell, I couldn't find anyone with a skateboard. What happened there? All the old joints are creaking so they sell off their boards?! Shame. So, I got my finger out and headed up to the local skater-shop to ask if I could take one in-store. Closed. This was a wee, side window display but the board had no wheels. I took a few snaps but a quote from Jason Lee (?) and his name after the quote could be seen on the one I went with so thought that would get a nod from the skaters. For chronological order I was guessing here but I assumed that his love of the skateboard preceded that for his missus.

Day 4...Layla...The Clapton tune is the only thing the name reminds me of. Great name though. Rare name, rare groove. First heard by my young ears on 80s Vauxhall adverts - "Once Driven Forever Smitten" was the tagline at the time I seem to recall. Maybe Joe can vouch for that ;o). Tried a couple of music stores in town but nothing other than an album tracklisting. Got this up on screen but was saving a screen grab for blip 101. Printed it off and snapped instead. How original.

Day 5...Poker and Beer...A regular fixture in blipfoto version 1 when it was Joe's own thang. Popped up now and then on blipfoto version 2 but not as much as before - a bairn in the hoose can do that to a man's social life. Penny was slowly dropping on what the feature of the series was but really only the inner-sanctum.

Day 6...Rocket...the workplace and Joe's Dagobah where he teaches the way of the Force in between schmoozing the dark side for contracts. The catalyst in many's a blip journal and my most direct connection with Yoda and other Jedi. This Rocket was a gift Jacob desired and got for his birthday. It was the spark for my countdown to centum because a (part-time) blipper and Rocketeer pointed at it and said "cool rocket" and it reminded me of the Rocket memorabilia I'd seen in his office a couple of years ago. It was then I set my target of his fave things as a homage for allowing us into this set-up. For free! The Rocket would appear towards the end.

Day 7...Bella...the baby daughter. The most precious and second most recent addition to his favourite things list. This picture was almost the top of a crappy women's lifestyle magazine but I felt the lassie deserved better than that. It is an Italian pasta restaurant on North Bridge in Edinburgh called "Bella Pasta". Wasn't sure if it was still called this but did the double check after work during the week.

Day 8...Blipfoto (v.2)...Blip 101 for me. The chronological order between the 2 B's at the end came into question here. I figured that Bella proving to the world that she was the best swimmer out of 500,000 was 1st in that order. Blipfoto version 1 had been on the go for a couple of years but hadn't gone global as version 2 had in July 2006. Therefore Blipfoto ends the series.

To the next hundred, infinity and beyond.


Yoda is a fictional character from Star Wars. The name is possibly from the Sanskrit noun yoddha ("warrior"), or from the Hebrew verb yodea ("knows"). Probably both.

He is arguably the wisest and most powerful Jedi of all time.

Following his training, Yoda is said to have spent 100 years in self-imposed solitude, attempting to attain a higher level of understanding of the Force.

He was one of the Jedi Masters who ran the mobile academy.

Yoda, having mastered all seven forms of lightsaber combat, is considered the best duelist in the Jedi Order of his day.

He is an exceptional swordsman, displaying amazing speed and dexterity, leaping through the air and twirling as he batters at an opponent's defences.

Yoda is a great contributor to the highest level of Jedi strategy, and is also a worldly diplomat comparable to Windu.

Master Yoda can dissipate and deflect Force Lightning; telekinetically lift enormous objects, including an X-wing starfighter; and use Force Push to an untold degree.

Yoda is even able to use Battle Meditation to win battles by lifting the morale of thousands of companions while simultaneously dampening the spirits of thousands of his opponents. He can purge dark side manifestations through the use of Force Light, foresee events with great clarity and feel the deaths of individual people and can identify them. These skills, in particular, show a far more profound knowledge of the Force than most Jedi Masters or Sith Lords of his time possess.

Yoda is a stern, but benevolent, teacher of the Jedi. Among the members of the Jedi Council, Yoda is known to have a penchant for mischief and practical jokes. To all of them, the humble Yoda, who offers enlightened leadership, epitomizes the ideals of the Jedi Order; the grandmaster of that august body is widely known as a sage instructor.

Yoda speaks "Galactic Basic" in a distinctive manner by placing verbs (and more frequently, auxiliary verbs) after the object and subject. In linguistic typology this is the "Object Subject Verb" format. A typical example of Yoda's speech pattern is from Return of the Jedi: "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not." This speech pattern has been the source of much parody.Yoda's sentence structure matches Hindi sentence structure perfectly: Hindi sentences begin with adverbs, followed by adjective(s), object, adjective(s), subject, verb, helping verb, and nahi (i.e., not) if required. Questions begin with the question marker kyaa, similar to Yoda's use of "what" to start yes/no questions, and Hindi makes use of post positions rather than prepositions.

For Yoda read Joe
For Jedi read blipper
For 100 years in self-imposed solitude read this
For the Force read photography and computer photography applications
For mobile academy read the blipfoto most popular
For lightsaber read camera
For swordsman read photographer
For Jedi strategy read journal ideas (weighing oneself on scales once a week was the first series on blip)
For worldy diplomat read his comments on other journals
For Force Light read the fact that he had a "theory" before others on my (sometimes bamboozling) series
For Jedi Council read Joe, G, Wingpig, 'Moose, Red, Treegonk and many, many more +100s and behind-the-scenesmen
For mischief and practical jokes read his journal
For Galactic Basic read all the photographic abbreviations and jargon he drops that I have no idea about (but also his comment here for yesterday's blip)

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