just things

By faeriesigh

Another Day Done

And I kept myself busy today. I only meant to de-clutter and sort out the arty/crafty cupboard today. I say cupboard, more like one of those pine slatted unit thingies. Anyway, it kind of carried on from that to cleaning & changing the dining room around, deep-cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom as well as dusting, polishing & hoovering the living room. Of course, as I had deep cleaned the kitchen, P rompylt dropped my pyrex dish that I had dished up pasta bake from and covered a quarter of the floor with pyrex pieces & left over pasta bake.
Of course, on the plus side that's one less thing to wash up :)

This was taken on the way to collect Arwen from school & Asha & Caitlin from the train station as they had spent the day in Norwich. Lucky sods :)

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