I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Oooooo I feel old!

Just picked up "I" from the school after he returned from a trip through to Edinburgh to see We will rock you. He had a ball and thought it was fantastic. "D" and I were already jealous and fancy it ourselves. He gave us a blow by blow account of the show, what he had to eat, what the audience were up to and.......by the way "Brian" someone came on at the end and played Bohemian Rhapsody..................we did a double take, NOT Brian May??? Aye that was him, was the answer. ITS NOT FAIR!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!!

On a calmer note! I have had a sneaky suspicion for about a week that my friend and colleague at work may have a second profession. First it was the the constant Christmas songs, then is was the singing and now a cute little pair of black winter boots have appeared......I am watching out for the red tunic and black belt!....Funnily enough she is known as Mrs C.......... :D

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