Here we go again!



The autolib' electric car sharing program was launched in Paris this week. What a great idea! These cars are parked on rue Exelmans, spotted after I dropped Ch off at school for her half-day.

Th just had a half-day today too since she had a couple classes cancelled this morning. Her French teacher has assigned her class some amazing books to read over the break: two versions of Medea (by Euripides and Pasolini), plus Incendies by Wajdi Mouawad. They've just finished studying La Bête humaine and Magnus (Sylvie Germain). He certainly doesn't shy away from difficult topics! I'm very impressed. Th likes him too but I don't think she realizes just how exceptional he is. He gives tons of feedback on her written assignments and is taking the class out to at least 20 plays over the course of the year.

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