look - up in the sky...

...it's a bird - no - it's a plane - well - it's 2 planes...

and with it came a reminder... for these look like older planes - i'm not sure why they were in the skies today... what they were doing. but they passed overhead twice - spewing thick white trails behind them...

bringing to mind for me - that today is our nation's 70th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor... when imperial japan did untold damage to u.s. forces - causing president franklin d roosevelt to utter those words remembered so well "sunday, december 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy." 2,402 members of our armed services were killed on that day with 1,282 wounded... 8 battleships were damaged and 4 were sunk - the uss arizona being one, which was not raised. it was a horrific act on japan's part and caused us to declare war on them 3 days later - entering into world war II...

everyone needs to know and understand facts such as these - the relevance these acts played out for our days of freedom today... the price that is paid by those who serve selflessly in our armed services that most times we really don't think about. take a moment now - pause... to say a silent thank you - no matter what country you live in or where you're from... for the men and women who are giving of themselves for you and your country - fighting for what they believe in - what you believe in... so you can live a free life - without boundaries... to walk in peace and hope - so that we may all have...


happy day.....

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