An Evening of Disasters!!

Disaster No. 1 -
only 15 people in the audience, and two of them were critics from the Daily Echo.

Disaster No. 2 -
This is where I sit with my various sound effects for the antics of Jingle and Jangle, the two clown characters who entertain the audience during the scene changes. Unfortunately, as we are short of stage hands I have to double up with scene shifting so don't always get back to my seat in time and get told off by Jingle - much to the amusement of the audience!

Disaster No. 3 -
During the interval our sound/lighting guy got a call to say his car was on fire so he had to dash home on his pushbike to sort it out. Luckily he managed to get back for the second half but it was a very long interval!!

I wonder what will happen tomorrow night . . . . .

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