An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Fickle as a Fickle Thing!!!

Ok, I know I said I hate the snow, but oh my god! This wind!!!

It's not funny anymore! Will someone please bring the snow back and take the wind away??!!!

Casulties in our back garden so far....4 mature conifers and 2 tall trees (look like poplar trees but think the might be something else.) We definitely won't be sitting in the conservatory tonight! Hope there's still a roof on it tomorrow!!!

Took this shot of that corner of the garden earlier and no, it's not out of focus. The rain was battering against the window and the vague outlines of the trees you can see are the ones affected! 20 odd years growing, blow over in an instant! Was hoping to get a better blip but our lights keep flickering so thought I would upload incase we lose power!

The Scottish Government (wisely and timeously for once) has put us on lock down...schools and businesses closed. You definitely don't want to be going out in that. Bad hair day guaranteed!!!

Hope all my fellow Scots affected by this weather are somewhere safe and warm. And if you do have to go out, take care out there. Umberellas not advised!! ;-))

Didn't manage to catch up with your journals yesterday because the wheelchair people were here till 10.30pm last night! Yes that's right....10.30pm! I had lost the will to live by the time the last one left and went straight to bed. Hope to catch up with you all later this evening......but I also REALLY NEED to write my Christmas cards!!!

Anyhoo, a WEE SONG to cheer us up! ;-)) xx

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