By ANDY597

Why Can't People Park

A fairly routine day, got to work and Heather is driving me up the wall by singing repeatedly Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger. It appears to be the only line of the song that she knows and she has it on repeat shuffle.

I bump into Dunk at work and he asks me why I am not able to accept any friends on facebook, so I have to explain to I previously signed up to a game called Mafia Wars, become hopelessly addicted to it and suddenly had about nine thousand Chinese friends that I didnt know I had.
Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

My request box is now so jammed full of Mafia Wars requests for new friends that I am unable to remotely even think about clearing through the million or so entries to get to the people I actually want to speak to.
Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

I suppose I could close the account and start again, but I just cant be bothered.
Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

Gym tonight after work as I missed it last night with the meet with Nicky Zee, and after my shower I discover that I have clearly forgot to pack new socks.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger. Theres no way that I am putting sweaty socks back on so I go foot commando. Hiking boots and foot commando just dont feel right, I have checked my bag several times and they definately arent in there. Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

On leaving the gym, I see the worst parking known to man, an American Sebring convertible, left hand drive has parked at such a jaunty angle that it is virtually touching the car next to it, good luck on reversing that out your space, or geting in your door.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger. The Muppet of the day award goes to the American car driver. Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

When I get home, I dont even get a chance to get in the front door, as I have to take Holly to her violin lesson and part with the twice the cash as normal as we missed last weeks lesson due to beign in A&E.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger. I'm so hungry, Ive gone all shakey and could literally eat badger road kill given the opportunity So much so that I almost fall over the violin teachers front step into the street.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger.

Quote of the day though, comes from Ruby, who has a empty box that she has wrapped up pretending its a christmas present, she tells me that in the box is an adventure, a submarine adventure with rockets that are yellow.Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke Jagger. The child has some imagination for a three year old.

Moooooovvvvvvesssss LIke bloody Jagger.

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