Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

The C word

I have been quite stressed by other people's mention of Christmas and seeing how organised they are! Today however, I have made a shopping list, we have bought a Christmas tree and found the leftovers of last years cards and wrapping paper.

So having made a small start, I now feel brave enough to say the word..........................CHRISTMAS...............see?! ;-D

I did NOT however, find any inspiration or subject matter for a blip. :-/ So on the way home from the Christmas tree buying, we saw this very attention seeking house (there was also music playing) and I just thought as it was the first day I had dared to think about Christmas I would do a Christmassy blip.

I only had my phone with me so it is a bit of a desperation blip really but hey ho (or should that be ho ho ho)!? ;-)

Sorry.......have a good evening ;-)


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