
By hoodedpigwoman


It's been an odd day today. Got into work extra early because we were interviewing, and the weather got increasingly worse. The candidates weren't deterred though. The first one turned up without a coat; he did look a bit stunned though.

By mid-morning Twitter was trending #HurricaneBawbag, as some wit dubbed the storm. It was certainly entertaining enough to take your minds off it a bit.

By lunchtime most of us headed home, so me and Daddy got some supplies in and collected Alexander from nursery. Then we listened to Christmas songs loud with the curtains drawn and watched the Twitter trends. By then Hurricane Bawbag had its own Twitter account and Facebook page. Now it has a theme song.

Unless you live by the sea, it's a bit difficult to do an exciting photo of bad weather, I've discovered. So I'm giving you some evidence that high winds make the animals unsettled.

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