Life on the Sofa - the Grandparents

Grandma and Grandad arrived this evening, in time for tea. Ben was particularly happy :) He lost all trace of tiredness and spent another 3 hours going bonkers until he was finally persuaded that he was actually tired and should go to sleep.


Last night I think I got to bed at gone 3am. Charley seemed to spend all evening feeding, apart from the break I got to put Ben to bed finally. We gave up and went to bed, Charley still nursing and on the side of me that Ben normally sleeps. Plan being to transfer him to his place on the other side of me once he was done. Unfortunately Ben woke up and tottered down the hall and climbed into bed well before Charley was done. Ben was not amused. Eventually Steve moved him to the outside of the bed, next to him and after a few minutes Ben settled down and fell asleep anyway which was a huge relief. Charley kept going. Then poo'd. So I gave up and took him downstairs to change his nappy as he was awake and starting to yell anyway. That was 2am. Changed and fed him downstairs. 2.30am he poo'd again. By 3am he was absolutely fast asleep and I couldn't face waking him up for another nappy change so I was a horrible mummy and put him to bed with a pooey nappy.

At some point later in the night Ben was moved to the middle of the bed and I apparently let him nurse as well as I woke up later with a boob hanging out and Ben curled up on my shoulder. I have no recollection of him nursing though.

Thankfully it was gone 8.30am before we were forced to wake up. Thank goodness for paracetamol "extra" - gotta love that caffeine first thing in the morning!

Pottered for a bit, and then Ben announced that he had to go to Robert and Kathryn and Jacob and Robert and Hayley and Robert and Abi. "Just got to get my coat now mummy." No mention of getting dressed first. I told Hayley this and she said she'd be round in a bit - just get Ben's clothes ready and she'd get him dressed!! Wasn't expecting this! Great that she came round though, it meant I got chance to get dressed :) Things these days get prioritised differently - I get dressed if I'm going out, but otherwise baking a cake pips getting dressed. I made that chocolate and Guinness cake this morning instead of getting dressed!

Ben got dressed and went off with Hayley, I got a couple of texts during the afternoon which made me chuckle - he'd chosen a pair of gloves in the shop; and later on he and Robert and Jacob had shut themselves in the playroom with the lights off and were playing with torches and laughing and giggling :D They're like extra cousins for him, it's brilliant how they all get on so well!

Steve and I started attempting to sort out the middle room downstairs while we only had one bean to look after. Well. One bean and a decidedly shaky mama - too little sleep, and too much caffeine. Lunch made things better though!

We got some sorting done but not enough to get the Christmas tree down sadly. Maybe tomorrow. Perhaps. Although it's mum's birthday tomorrow and we're out for lunch...

Can't think of any memorable or funny moments today sadly. (That doesn't mean there were none - just that the memories are becoming elusive already!) The day is already slipping from memory and there's a dishwasher to unload and reload yet, else there'll be no dishes for breakfast....

Here's hoping for a better night tonight.

Oh and Ben sounded suspiciously like he might have croup earlier. I hope I misheard his cough..... he does sound awful though :(

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