Alexandra's Latest Craft Idea.......

....... is, she wants to make a knitted quilt out of squares.

But of course she doesn't want to use any old wool, so last night we went out and she bought, 3 colours, pink, purple and lilac, plus 2 pairs of knitting needles.

It took a bit of time, as she kept choosing all the wrong kind of wool, and then didn't like the size of knitting needle I suggested as they were green! Luckily I found a pair in her favourite purple so that was alright. (I'm rolling my eyes here.)

Now, Alexandra is very good at embroidery and making soft toys, and can use a sewing machine (which is more than I can), but knitting, well, I know I've had a go at teaching her, and so did my Mum, who was an excellent knitter, but I can't remember her ever actually making anything.

Still, you can't go wrong with squares, can you?

I'll keep you posted as to how long it will take (and how many I knit too!)

Weather was much nicer today, had great fun at work, and very busy.

On the way home from the cemetery tonight, had to pop into the petting zoo to tell them one of their goats had got out.

" What colour is it?"

"Black and white."

"Oh, that's the mum, she's always doing that."

That's alright then, let's just hope she doesn't get squashed on the road.

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