a w a y

By PoWWow

+ then came the s u n

We'd sort of forgotten that visibility could amount to more than a metre.. What with being so caught up in the excitement of it all, I'd completely forgotten to fantasise about how exceptionally stunning everything would look when the sun fought back with the clouds. First call for the day was a meeting in the most beautiful yurt [or Y O U R T , as les Francaise would say] with hoards of fresher seasonaires just like us swapping keen introductory questions mimicking the first moments of universitaire; where everything is new and there are so many brilliant people to meet + make friends with?

Leaping out of the beautiful ambiance, we had a luminous day in the mountains to play with, so we decided to either walk or hitch [or both] the 10km into Chamonix. We weren't really successful with either, but we did go for a deliciously beautiful walk along a river in snow up to our bums, until the sun was swallowed up by the magnitude of the mountains and we were surrounded by the monstrous silhouette of Mont Blanc and the sky behind slowly exchanging it's indigo shades for deepening purples to take us into another night in the valley. Then we went out for a date in Argentiere + blitzed a load more of our quivering diminishing supply of euros. But it was definitely worth it because we befriended an awesome Romanian couple to honk the evening away with. Trips for Spring climbing trips with them have already been planned. Far out.

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