With One Eye Wide Open


Freaky Friday

Now, is it me or it there something very peculiar about this image?

I went into town today with a couple of visiting friends and chanced upon these two funny looking costumed guys sitting and fiddling with what appeared to be a turntable, smack bang in the middle of King George's Sq. Strange how almost everyone seemed to be ignoring them and for a minute I thought I actually were imagining the scene infront of me! My friends confirmed though that I wasn't seeing things. :)

It has been a very fun and exhausting day. Played tourist guide and did a bit of street photography today. Heaps of fun but I almost got myself into trouble with the coppers. Good thing, I had my confidence wrapped tightly around me today which made me very bold!

I was taking "candid" photos of my friends and using the streets of Bris as part of the fore and background when this cop rudely signalled me with his hand from about 20 ft away to approach him (like calling an errant child!). He was about 2 heads taller than me and i'm pretty sure my back suddenly went all stiff and my head went up a notch after he said that I only need to ask and he'd let me take his and his colleague's photo (he said it twice as I failed to react immediately). He was probably trying to be nice now that I think about it but at the time he came across as a bit arrogant and he looked all serious and unsmiling that I thought he was trying to intimidate me! Uh oh! So with all the confidence I could muster I boldly told him but i'm not taking your photo. Then he replied with yes you were I saw you (now with a slight frown on his face). Then ofcourse I answered back with a slight increase in my pitch no I wasn't, I was taking photos of my friends and using the street as part of the scene. He was looking at me with doubt on his face so I then added do you want to see the photos? I can show them to you if you want. Still with that ugly frown he started shaking his head. Now at this point a few people started paying attention and my temper got the better of me (probably bec I felt a bit embarrassed and found the situation ridiculous) so I kind of said in a slightly sarcastic way ok, look, do you want me to take your photo? They both shook their heads, again, and at that point I just shrugged and walked away while my friends were giggling nervously at a not so distant corner! Hahahahahaha! Oh my, thank goodness it didn't turn out ugly. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful of authority but I simply hate it when someone tries to intimidate me when i'm being a good girl. Hahahahahahaha! Now my visiting friends will have something to tell the friends back home, uh oh!!!! Lol!

Aussie and NZ Blippers, don't forget the lunar eclipse tomorrow starting right around midnight! The entire eclipse will be visible from our part of the woods! :)

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