Life through the lens...

By ValC

Driving Home.

Busy day.
Supermarket shopping first, then to pick up dry cleaning. Not yet ready!
Farm shop next for veg. etc. bought a huge cauliflower for 50p and two stems of sprouts among other things.
Ordered turkey for Christmas.

This was a quick blip from the car on the way home, just in case hadn't time for anything else. ( which I hadn't!)
It was only 11.45am but came really black and started sleeting. It's been like that on and off all day.
( by the way husband was driving!)

Made a pork ragu to take to my brother in law's 65th birthday on Sunday.
As it is a surprise "do" I am having to take the main course and another friend is taking the pudding.
My sister has rented a place for the weekend. Her daughter ,and son and all the grand children (only 3) are going tomorrow to Sunday, then some other friends and us are going Sunday 'till Monday. Oh and we are taking the champagne and wine too!

Then had to go back for the dry cleaning!

Tonight we are out to dinner at a friends house. Which will be fun as we always have a good laugh with them!
As our youngest son is doing the taxi service ( change of roles !!!) we needn't worry about drinking and driving!

Am now going to have a cup of tea and mince pie!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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