
By PrimeMart


Oh dear, I am a dullard and a nicompoop.

I appear to have made a Secret Santa ballsup. After getting all the participants to draw a name at random from my specially decorated box, I ended up with 1 name still in the box which I have taken as the person I will buy for.

No balls up there I hear you chime.

The balls up, is that I neglected to put my name in the box!

So after running the damn thing, doing all the running around, printing out and folding up names, and decorating the box, everyone will get a lovely Secret Santa present except me...

So anyway, todays blip comes courtesy of my old manual focus 500mm mirror lens, and 3 different adaptors:

1) Tamron adaptall to Minolta MD
2) Minolta MD to Minolta/Sony AF mount
3) 2 x convertor to take it to 1000mm

Taken at f8 (fixed) for 1/30th second

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