
By earthdreamer

The Leaning Tree

Thank you all so much for the response to yesterday's Jupiter and the Moon. I was taken quite aback by all the hearts and comments, although not surprised by what everyone had to say. It seems like a large number of you, a possibly disproportionate number, live in places where you can see a truly dark night sky. I envy you that. Although the moor is less than a mile away from me it remains only 15 miles or so from the major cities of Leeds and Bradford and the ambient glow of those population masses cannot be escaped as easily as the town. Perhaps I need to plan a long cycle into the Dales on the next clear night!

What is obvious is that the night sky is something very precious to a great many of you. It's been quite heart-warming really, to understand that so many people, from all over the world, completely independent of any kind of religious belief, feel that same elemental connection with the heavens.

I've not had the greatest of days at the office, but I did go for a run at lunchtime, a return to Northcliffe Park. It really is the most wonderful space which combines parkland, meadow and mature woodland. The light was again fantastic and I came back with a veritable embarrassment of riches, but this shot kind of spoke out to me today. Indeed, I think trees speak to us in a similar way to the stars. A kind of universal spiritual language!

Off to a party tonight for a much needed unwind. Look forward to catching up with you tomorrow.

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