
By strawhouse

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Today has been one of those days.... We were late for school as we got caught up in the chaos caused by a horrible car accident - although Miss E was quite excited by all the fire engines, ambulances, police cars and bits of car all over the road!! The alternative route was hideous with too many cars trying to squeeze down too narrow lanes. Gridlock and lots of idiots!!!
When I went to pick her up the teacher told me that Miss E had cut her hair. What?!!!!!!!!! Thankfully you can't notice at all and I was so stunned I didn't think to ask what the hell kind of scissors they're using....
Apparently Bailey told her to do it. Bloody Bailey.
And what kind of name is Bailey anyway?
And then she spent the rest of the afternoon being a devil child. Full on tantrums and loony screeching and whining. Aaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank God it's the Weekend. I need a day off.

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