
By leahrenee


It's the weekend! How I love weekends.

Though, I'm not entirely looking forward to tomorrow... I need to tackle Princes Street to finish (and start, for that matter) my Christmas shopping. Not looking forward to it. The last couple of times I have attempted this, I got annoyed by the crowds, stopped looking for gifts, and bought myself something, a. to cheer myself up, and b. to go home with something. Terrible, I know. So basically, I'm running out of weekends till Christmas, so I'd better get my act together.

Today's blip is of the National Gallery. I went for a little wander after work and ended up at the Christmas Markets. I stopped there for a little to soak up the atmosphere, but ended up getting out of there due to the crowds (noticing a theme here?). I took a few other pictures tonight that I quite like, but chose this one of the National Gallery because I haven't seen it lit up like that before. The way each column was lit up a different colour looked really spectacular! Also, because it made me think of a striped candy sweet....which then made me crave one....

yeesh - didn't realise my ISO was so high when I took this!

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