Another day goes by

By WelshSi

Sweet pussy

Had a very long day today. I had to get up at 5am, get ready and pop to Milton Keynes (3hrs drive) for a course. The course was really boring so the day just dragged. Luckily the course finished at 4, so it was then time to drive to my brothers (1hr drive) for tea. But he was stuck in traffic on the M4, so my sister in law made me lots of coffee while we waited for him. He finally arrived busting for a wee after being stuck in traffic with nowhere to go, lol. After a lovely tea and more coffee it was time to go home. So I hit the road for another 2hr drive down the M4 finally arriving home at 10.45. the odd thing was that all the way home it was 1-2 deg outside until I turned in to my street where it dropped to -1, chilly.

Todays pic is of my brother cat Elmo. He is a lovely cat who is spoilt rotten, I can see why though.

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