Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Finally ...

... we had the party we have been planning for so long. It was postponed because of the dengue epidemic. It was a huge success.

We had almost 200 people (thalasemic kids, their siblings, parents, staff of the thalesemia centre etc etc), which was much more than what we had expected. These kids started with prayers, songs and then had a puppet show, a magic show, face painting, fresh jalebi being served to them and a mickey mouse to keep them entertained. They also had cotton candy and lucky draw for the parents for which they got lots of exciting gifts. In the end lunch was served which was chicken biryani and soda. We also had goody bags for the kids but unfortunately we had miscalculated and a few of the kids did not get any. We will be making some more and will be giving them in the next week.

It was a very overwhelming experience ... It was specially gratifying when one of the doctors said that today I have seen those kids speak, laugh and sing whom we have never heard talking before ...

I guess that's about it for now ...

Later in the evening, baby Shah's maternal grandparents and family came over for dinner. I was too tired to upload the blip, so this is a backblip.

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