Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Mud dauber

Today, I woke up at 5am with one of those headaches that just got worse, and so today was pretty much a total wash out. No yoga, no meditation, no doing my work, no nothing...except a couple of movies and feeling like a very unmovable object.

I did manage to get out and photo this mud dauber. I mean, I have a day of accomplishing next to nothing, but she is doing what she has been doing for weeks now. She has been flying somewhere and gathering mud then flying back and constructing this nursery. The photo does it no justice, but there was not a spot of sun today, and I didn't want to disturb her.

Each little dot of mud represents another journey to the place she gathers her mud. It seems to take her quite a while between trips also, so I don't think it is a short journey. Then, to make things even more tidy for her young, she stings a spider or two and stuffs them in the tubes with the developing young. (ew)

Check out the size of her waist! It doesn't seem possible to stay connected that way does it? Such amazing strength for one so small.

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