This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I don't wanna, I don't think so...

Today was busy in that slow getting things done one at a time kinda way. I woke up at 7am after falling asleep at midnight the night before after having cleaned my house. So, I awoke to a, for the most part clean home, talked to Stewart, went grocery shopping, went by the underground to move art around and pick up a check, and then returned home and kept cleaning and doing laundry while intermittently talking to Stewart on the Internets....

At some point the idea for a spread sheet came up and we worked hours on it, Stewart did the hard part, I just helped fill in the gaps. The results were exciting.

I created 109 new paintings this year.
That is a lot of work! I also sold 104 paintings this year (older and new work combined)! Quite a thrill! Later in the night, I sold another painting- so chalk it up to 105!

I work hard, yet a lot of the time I feel I do nothing- but that simply can not be the case. I feel I can now justify living my life on the internet- and it is paying off! ;)

Thank you Stewart. xx. x.

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