A Moment In Time *smile*

By cf10ten

Supporting a charity in Kenya

My 3rd photo a bit different.... as it was a bit dull here in UK today I decided to take a photo in Kenya at the Children of Watamu charity & their Happy House project for orphaned children. But how & why? do I hear you ask ... *smile*

I am involved with various charities here and in Africa donating my skills and time mainly around building websites for free with joomla. It gives the charity a window to promote its good work and show where the money goes

I also collect old digital cameras and send to Kenya / Gambia so the children and staff can capture their moments in time. This photo was taken by Billy today and sent to me so I can pass on as a thank-you. I attended the Devizes Tennis Club Christmas social Friday who collected £120 for the charity as a thank-you for my work supporting the club. So I was pleased that I could ask today for a photo of Harrison a child I support at the orphanage who at the age of 4 is taking up tennis.

Not my photo but one I am responsible for it. Its so rewarding knowing you can make a difference and as always a photos says more than words... weather permitting will have my camera out tomorrow


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