
By Armagn

Purple Jellydisc Fungus

Went to Lower Wood, Weston Colville, Cambridgeshire, which is in the east of the county near the Suffolk border here. It is a wet wood dominated by ash, with some maple and hazel and the occasional oak. One ash coppice stool had 8 trunks arising from a base diameter of two metres, a very impressive tree. There was a large clump of gooseberry, which is a spiny shrub about one metre tall and might be native shown here. In spring, the attractive flowers of water avens may be found along with the hybrid Geum rivale x urbanum. There were a number of places with clusters of 15-20 seven-spot ladybirds, some on galvanized wire. The Purple Jellydisc Fungus was growing on deciduous logs, probably ash. I observed 18 species of fungus, all growing on dead wood of which there is an abundance.

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