Today's Memories

By Pxas


I had a real bad day!
For the past couple of days/weeks, I've been feeling left out, alone and even though I know my friends are all busy and working...why is it that if I don't one will call see what's up with I'm doing, etc.?!
So today an opportunity presented itself and I confronted my friends or better say a friend and everything EXPLODED. The truth was flying from left and right. I was shocked, because I found out that if I don't accept one friend than I cannot be friends with the rest.
I thought our friendship is unconditional. I have 3 good friends and accordinly is our friendship. I cannot put them into one pot and think of them the same. It's just not possible. Each is unique in its own way and they have their special spot in my heart. Don't you all agree?!

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