Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Slippy Teatowels and Itchy Tinsel

It's that time of year again...
...when we listen to Gemma, Joel, Tess practising weird and wonderful Christmas tunes for weeks and then finally get to see them being performed in Church/school/village hall (it's not usually in the same place two years running!).

This year it was in the church. It's a very pretty church - Georgeham church. Lots of people choose to get married here.

We first watched number 1 child in a nativity performance in 1998 when she was 3, then 2 years later it was her school play and number 2 child's playgroup nativity.

Thirteen years on we have lost count of how many times we've witnessed the sometimes hilarious, often moving, occasionally boring - always very cute - nose-picking, fidgety angels with falling halos and attitude, yawning innkeepers with tea-towel-obscured vision, not-so-wise forgetful wise men-slash-kings sporting wonky crowns, Marys and Josephs waving at their parents or day dreaming with a finger up their nose. There is always some sort of cock-up, a child who hogs the limelight, a child who feels ill, needs a wee, forgets their lines. There is usually a hideous modern song with ridiculous words and a sickly Disney-type tune but if we're lucky there's a familiar traditional song to keep us oldies happy.

Today Tess was a barely visible innkeeper. She was standing behind a bigger innkeeper. Unfortunately someone else spoke her lines for her but she gets a second chance to say them tonight.
Anyway, I could see that she was singing along well...
...most of the time.
When she wasn't yawning and looking around the room.

Or sticking her fingers in her mouth.

Or daydreaming.

Or having a scratch.

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