stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

ke-wick hoo-hoo-oooo

Apologies to everyone who read my blip yesterday and expected to see a shot of a soaring aerial display from a bird of prey. I was trying to come up with a single word so I wouldn't have to do what I'm about to do now...

Every year, there is a Falconry centre that bring one or two of their birds down to the local shopping centre (mall to non-UK blippers) in an attempt to sell days out as Christmas presents. What we have this year is an owl (heh, even I knew that). What kind, I have no idea. Of course this rather large blighter stared at me the whole time I got the camera out and checked my settings but as soon at the camera came to my eye and for as long as it was there, it refused to look at me. Anywhere but, so you have a profile (which I thought would be better than the back of the head)!!!

The title of tonight's blip is the phonetic call and reply of the tawny owl. Yes, in spite of the popular belief that the call of the owl is twit twoo, it is in fact more like ke-wick. The reply of hoo-hoo-oooo is actually the territorial call of the male. If you hear ke-wick hoo-hoo-oooo it is likely to be a male answering a female or another male.

Apologies too, for disappearing last night. Was in my bed for 10pm, which is unheard of it has to be said. Caught up with replies at lunchtime. Got a few things to do but I'll try and catch up with everyone later!

Update: The family ornithologist has been in touch. See below.

I would say from the look of it and your comment about size that this owl is a european eagle owl, the largest breed of owl in Europe! It's call is 'oohu-oohu-oohu' and its Latin name is 'bubo bubo' owl trivia for the day!!!

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