Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Bad Dog

This is the face of a bad dog in lots of trouble with me, & he fully knows it! He's actually been in "the dog house" since last night when he pulled one of his disappearing acts-again-across the street. I turned my back for 30 seconds, & Bailey was nowhere to be found. Guess the scent of chicken must have lured his evil-side (if you haven't read about this before, the neighbors put out chicken for the wild raccoons...don't ask why; it's insane) . He was gone for over 20 mins. despite my calling for him & standing out in the cold trying to find him. Hannah was in tears-again-thinking he was dead. After my trip to the Animal Rescue League yesterday, I said that he doesn't know how lucky he is, how good he has it, how those poor dogs in the kennel would do anything to have his life & this is the thanks he gives us...When he finally came home, I put him in the basement, not wanting to look at him. Hannah was mad at me for punishing him. As if that is real punishment! It's a finished, heated basement he spends his time when we're away. When my husband got home, he let him out, not knowing the trouble the dog was in with me. Tonight, I'm getting these rolling eye faces as if asking if he's safe to come near me or "what's the problem? You're not really still angry are you?" I caught this expression where he seems to be trying to give me a sideways smile. If he had a white flag it would be wagging, but I'm still mad!

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