Read, set ....

just if you're wondering: Yes, we did compensate for body weight/size when dividing the gear. Somehow i'm perceiving these two packs as roughly the same size, but they actually differ quite a lot (mine says '75+20', the other says '50+15'... liters that is)..

anyway, Scotland, here we come. I might not be able to post blips for the next.. say three weeks....When we get back we'll have a lot of pics to sort trough.. to bad they'll have to be backblipped and subsequently ignored by most, but that's bliplife... glad i don't make my 365 mark on holidays like kdoes is ;D

be seeing you, if you see these packs and 30d walking along the great Glenn, way, its us :D .. ow, and when we're hitching back, you might even want to stop and give us a ride!

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