This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up late. I was enjoying the warm air coming through the window and kept falling back asleep. It was lovely, although I must admit sleeping late makes me feel a bit lazy.

Then I talked to Stewart and then went to the post office where I was complimented on my hair by the post clerk. I am always shocked at a compliment such as this. It really made my day. I was there to pick up some art that was shipped to the Underground from an artist in Sweden. I am so lucky to be entrusted with so much art- it is something I love dearly.

Then it was a meeting and talks and more trying to figure out what is happening to the artists of the Underground/Fayetteville Art Alliance. Part of me is delighted to be able to get away from it all soon and part of me is very anxious about leaving everything at such a critical point.

A fun part of the meeting time was getting to see and hold Jennifer's new camera! Did you know that the one I ordered November 27th got lost in shipping and I had to wait until today to order a replacement? That was most unfortunate. I can't wait to finally get my camera!

There is so much to do in the coming weeks- so much! Move my studio, shut down and dismantle 4 galleries, rectify all money owed to the artists, get my art back from the Blue Moon gallery and put it together with the pieces of Stewart's, mine and our combined pieces for the show we are having in Bentonville in March and April (while I am gone!). Secure a new studio, secure my house while I am gone, buy xmas presents and celebrate Christmas with my family.... too much!!!!!!!!!!! And there is part about paying all my bils, paying for this trip, oh yeah and how do I pay taxes when I am out of the country on April 15th... oh and then there is actually getting on a plane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay. breathing...

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