stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

All the Best!

I want to thank everybody for their lovely and supportive comments yesterday. Once again I am indebted to you all for this. You have no idea what it means. Thank you, sincerely!

A special thanks to those who have had to put up with a little more behind the scenes too. x

I was going to blip something similar a little closer to Christmas but you get it today because I've decided to take a wee break from blipland. At the moment I only intend this to be a couple of days while I try and sort through my options but in case days should turn into weeks I just wanted to send you all the very happiest wishes for the holidays and a big, bright start to the new year.

I'm not going completely. I'll still keep up with everyone as much as I can but I'm just not in the right frame of mind to continue blipping myself at the moment. That is killing me because this is supposed to be where I escape my work issues and I hate that it's affecting my photography. I also don't want to continue spilling my woes on you guys and as much as I might promise to try not to, until things are resolved one way or another I know I wouldn't be able to stop myself, and that wouldn't be fair on you.

Hahahahaha.. what a cop out for trying to come up with short day blips, eh!

One last (mercifully short) rant before I go though...

Well, as you my have gathered today's meeting with HR didn't go so well. The harsh reality of the situation was made clear to me. Either sign the document, walk or go to tribunal (or any combination of the three).

So, I have a few things to think about. Do I submit to their demands and continue on this downward spiral or do I give up a career I've spent 14 years and a lot of hard work to build and try to start again either in an industry for which I have little enthusiasm or confidence left in my ability to perform or in something completely different for which I have no experience. I know in these times of financial insecurity, high unemployment and uncertain futures that I should just be grateful for having a job, and I'm sure that's why the company are pushing these changes through now!

I was brought up to believe in values such as honesty, loyalty, fairness and yes, even trust. But these are words that don't belong in today's business world where we constantly see those at the top abuse their position, where we see unscrupulous global corporations take advantage of their wealth to buy their way out of taking responsibility for their actions and where businesses everywhere are cutting costs to meet the ever increasing demands of their shareholders clammering to maximise their returns where there are none to be had.

Of course in all this, it isn't the decision makers that suffer, it's the ordinary people at the bottom of the rung, whose jobs are at risk or under threat of risk or indeed have gone already. No golden handshake or early retirement for them. They are lucky to get minimum payments. And for those left? Increased workloads. Increased pressures. Less personal time. Less life.

And so I close this final rant with another word of thanks for all your support and patience. Hopefully I will return, if not happier or more content, at least with a plan.

Hope you all have a great Friday and weekend!

I'll be back! ;- )

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