A Dog's Dinner

By G

Wind, Rain. Tea and Scones.....

After breakfast we decided that a walk in the hills was called for despite the wet and blustery forecast. One of the facts of life about living here is that unless you go out in 'bad' weather you would never get out at all. Anyway off we goes, this was less an expedition more a stroll, as this hill is just above the house.

Firstly the Wonder Dog decides that chasing deer is much better fun than behaving himself with us. Off he goes and the next thing we see is a young doe racing down the hill, presumably being chased by 'himself' . After calling him for forty minutes, we spy him climbing back up at full tilt out of breath and near collapse. Just as he gets back and gets his photograph taken the heavens opened up. I'm not exaggerating to say that it felt like late autumn, driving rain and wind. So it was a rush back down and home to tea and scones.

As it still raining and blowing so it's fire on tonight and feet up. A dvd night methinks.

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