An Occasional Glimpse

By Wrenza

Joseph and a different nativity

This is my darling son Owen. He's in the last year in primary and landed the staring role of Joseph.

Normally a nativity involves a loving couple at the centre of the story. Joseph and Mary supporting and helping each other and perhaps singing a duet or two together.

This nativity was special though. All was going well until the first duet. At this point Mary decided that Joseph didn't need the microphone at all and held it away from him. Joseph obviously didn't agree and a tug of war ensued with the microphone in the middle. Joseph won :D

However despite this victory Joseph looked despondent halfway through the play. His head was in his hands, he was looking down at the floor. I only found out later that Mary thought Joesph should have been standing up. Joseph disagreed. A bickering argument occurred with the resulting sour face from Joseph. He didn't stand up though.

Thats my boy :D

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