Today's Memories

By Pxas

ORKAN "Joachim"

We have a european windstorm today.
Strong winds, rain, etc.
Kind of scarry if you ask me.
We lowered all the window shades in the event something flies into the window and might brake it.

In addition, I fell down the stairs today. Silly me. My own fault. I was running down the stairs in my slippers and missed a flight and bam! Landed flat on my face. I was in pain, but kept calm. No one was at home and here I am on the floor not able to move. Only my cat, ZAZU, came over and was sitting next to me. Wished he was a dog. At least someone would hear his barking. In any event, I knew my hubby would be back home any minute hence no need for panic.

Lucky me. Leg not broken, just sprained. Lots of Voltarane Cream for the night. Hopefully tomorrow the swelling will go down.

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