The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Stuck My Camera Into The Washing Machine

Wide angle lens, camera resting on a small cushion, long exposure, tiny led torch, wrapper off a purple roses chocolate, washing machine, rotated the drum a few inches.

In The News:

Bradley Manning's Wikileaks hearing finally begins. I am astounded at how long this has taken. I was lucky enough to sit in on a key note speech from Bill Clinton a year ago and he spoke about government security and I recall thinking how long does it take to try a man? At the time there was outrage at the way Manning had been locked up in Quantico and was forced to sleep naked. This hearing is just to determine if he will stand trial. Meanwhile

With perfect timing the UK Supreme Court announced today that they will review Wikileaks' Julian Assange appeal against extradition to Sweden.

Somehow I feel Assange has the better deal.

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