Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Disney Train

This may be my latest blip upload yet. It's been a looooong day! Work, home to eat quickly & say hi to the family, off to a meeting, grabbed baking supplies for cookies, back to pick up Hannah at school for her 1st dance (6th grade). She had a blast & says she danced the whole time. Bittersweet for me.

This is the Disney train under our tree. Paul got it for her when she was probably preschool aged & it's a treat each year to get out again. The inner track has a Minnie & Mickey & a Donald & Daisy cart. The outer set was pieced together, including Pooh, 101 Dalmations, Peter Pan, & Tinker Bell cars plus the engine that smokes & of course the caboose.

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