World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis

Christmas Drive Through

I managed to nearly empty my room of things today. I got rid of all the things that I want to pack away in the garage while I am in uni for the next few years. My room looks so empty, never realized how many useless items I had in my room that I didn't want to throw away.

Went out to dinner with my cousins and brother and sister. It was fun, having bonding time. After dinner we went to this Christmas Drive Through that our old church does every year and we hadn't gone for a few years. It was just how we remembered it, except with better music this time round. It is basically just a quick recap of the story of Christmas and you drive through different scenes. If anybody is in Auckland, go to Greenlane Christian Center to see it! It is pretty good, and only takes about half an hour to see the whole thing =D

My photo is the pamphlet they gave out while we were queuing for the drive through.

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