Displacement activities

By Detritus

The old standard.

I'm nothing if not predictable. Blip recipe:

1. Red sofa;
2. Silver hound.

But it sort of works, and reflects a key aspect of our lives. Lil has been her usual self, and whilst I've not been blipping, life has continued along, with some minor traumas, and moments of great happiness. A real emotional see-saw of a year.

This is Lil being lazy, and I'm all for it. She remains, despite being old, generally very fit, and hugely enthusiastic about going for walks. However, right now, her back left leg is wobbly jelly. I'm reassured it's just a pulled muscle needing nothing more than a couple of days rest, but how do you communicate "you need to rest" to a dog which has always led and enjoyed a very active lifestyle?

For personal, diary type purposes, today I went to the city to buy presents, but ended up meeting people, having coffee, and getting only a treat for me. Will try to be less selfish tomorrow.

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