Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip

Sylvanian Family Christmas

My girls set this up last night. They snipped a bit off our Christmas tree to make, then decorate a Christmas tree for the Pig Family in Sylvania. They made the star for the top and put wool and beads on to decorate. According to my daughters, Mr and Mrs Grunt are sitting in their front room watching Desperate Sows on the television.
In the Land of Sylvania in our house the richest and most important out of all the families that we have the Pig Family. We only have one house and they live there, they have finest furniture in the land, they get the best tailor made clothes and they used to have a maid who cleaned their house. The interesting thing is, that completely independently, two of my daughters's friends also have the pigs as their top family.
This shows worrying shades of Animal Farm if you ask me.

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