
By karenjulia

Crap day really

Not the best day. Dave passed out at work. He thought it was his new blood pressure medication however a blood test shows elevated levels of an enzyme that reveals heart attack so he is in hospital and likely to be there for at least two days while they decide what happened and what to do. As always, the hospital staff have been awesome.

Dave is 48 but has bad family history for heart and blood pressure.

This is the view from his room which, under other circumstances would be pleasant apart from the huge tanks in the car park which I suspect are something to do with sewerage (post-quake). Overlooks the corner of Hagley Park (where Occupy Christchurch is happening complete with drumming after dark he reports), some still standing chimney stacks from the hospital and brewery and the hills in the background, which don't really show in the photo.

Better news tomorrow I hope. Its late and I am tired.

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