A Dream Remembered

By gotmilk

The 19th window...

...on my Christmas calendar.

It's my baby's first Christmas. Time is going really fast right now. I have lots of cleaning to do, baking and christmas shopping. But for time being all I can do is clean up. I have to leave the baking and shopping until my hubby comes home. I don't know if I told this already but our washing machine broke down a week or so before my trip to Ireland and we just got a new one last saturday. So an amazing amount of washing to do. The washing isn't a problem but there's not enough space to dry them all so it is going to take a while. All though I don't care, the main thing is that I have the washing machine!

Kids went outside today. Ella built a snowman by herself, Eemeli knocked it down and then I had to rebuild it with Ella. Eppu is on the go all the time, no stopping at all. And he is standing up against furniture now every chance he gets, he even took some steps today while holding on to the couch.

Anyway. Enjoy your preChristmas time! Listen to a lot of Christmas music, it really is wonderful. :)

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