More Than Words


Russian orthodox Church of the Protection of Theot

When I started blipfoto I thought I would have nothing interesting to publish but look what I found yesterday in a suburban Street in Sydney. I was driving along a major road when I glimpsed the golden minarets ( probably not called minarets given it's a church). I rapidly did a u turn much to the surprise of the passengers and went and found this rather beautiful building. in Sydney there are many orthodox religions and churches; the Greek, Serbian, Russian, Coptic, Macedonian and probably many more I'm unaware of. This church is in Cabramatta, better known for being the heart of the Vietnamese community. The land was probably very cheap (relatively speaking) 50 years ago and hence was purchased by the various ethnic communities. My last house was near the flight path and the only building that survived the opening of a new runway was one of the Coptic churches. It now stands, looking like a ruin, but inside there are several noteworthy orthodox paintings that survived the bulldozer. Never a dull day in the land of blipfoto!

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