Life through the lens...

By ValC

100 I got there!!

IOO days ago I would never have imagined I would be writing in the condensation on the bedroom window (old cottage, no double glazing!!)
watching the sunrise, AND taking a photo of it!!

When my granddaughter helped me with that first blip, I had know idea how it would change my life!!
I have so enjoyed taking the photos, and hope my photography is gradually imporoving!
Have met such wonderful people on Blip, from all over the world.
That side of it I didn't realise would be so enjoyable.
Have been inspired by the amazing photos which others have taken.

The blip community is something very special. Many thanks to all my subscibers, and all those who have sent comments, and a big thankyou to all those who make this possible, and thought of Blip in the first place.

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