
By IzzyK

Oh Christmas Tree!

been taking refuge in the kitchen/office/bedroom as my house has been invaded by two three four five boys for a sleepover tonight, the number has risen steadily through the afternoon and I have now baracaded the front door so no more boys can turn up here!

When getting one of my many cups of tea, I was delighting in how the Christmas Tree lights shone through the door in to the kitchen whilst plotting how I would navigate through my living room to the relative peace & quiet of my office. Taking my life in my hands weaving my way round five boys playing 'Blind Mans Buff' while singing 'Last Christmas' by Wham (Strange or what?!) So much for a PC/Games console generation these boys have not stopped playing yet...

Might have to get a nice calming Disney film for them to watch shortly cause they are wearing me out just watching them.

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