shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


A nice shot of this morning's sunrise from the train. A very busy day getting finished things and cleared up for the start of my holidays, but a lovely evening with the banner group. After almost a year, we've almost finished our 6th banner, and had a lot of laughs on the way.

Tomorrow will be a manically busy day, but won't involve going to work, so I'm very much looking forward to it!

Oh, and while I've trains in my head, I should tell you I got a response from Scotrail about the new timetable, which runs almost literally 'sorry the new timetable doesn't suit you, we can't suit everyone'. Interestingly they have completely ignored the issues raised about service reliability, probably because they know they haven't a leg to stand on!

Yesterday I was second out of the carriage, after the woman who put one foot down on the platform and the next instant was sprawled on her back. The new service being only a Stirling service it isn't brought onto any of the through platforms that real people use. We're brought into the back of beyond, to the platform that isn't cared about (perfect for the nuisance commuters not good enough for the Aberdeen service) so they hadn't bothered to grit the sheet ice. And it was 8:30, we're not talking about a 6am service. Warned, I successfully skated to the stairs and pulled myself up with my hands without requiring the services of a medic, so I was quite pleased and told the station staff they had better do something before someone did themselves a serious injury. Public service and all that!

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