Christmas door competition 2011

One year plus one day ago I blipped this competition (it was my second blip!). This year we were once again placed into groups of three, assigned a door and assigned a Christmas song - all through random draws.

Here are my four favourites - clockwise from top left - "I saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus"; All I want for Christmas is .... you" (featuring four All Blacks!); Snoopy's Christmas (ours, and a great example of how three people with good ideas can create a mismash! AND it's fallen down several times so is looking decidedly shabby) and "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" (featuring photos of three of our own angels). Winners announced tomorrow. Bet you can't wait!

I can't wait till tomorrow cos................. Dave is coming home! It wasn't his heart, it was clots on the lungs. Still serious but treatable.

Thanks so much for:

1. all the wishes you have sent to him and
2. the wonderful comments on my Blipday yesterday! I was really rapt.

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