World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


So excited going on holiday to America tomorrow! It's going to be so much fun! Been wanting to go to America for years, I have actually been there before... But only to LAX because we were passing through to come home form Europe... So I don't actually count it haha. So excited though!

Finally made it to the beach today! A group of us have been planning to go for about a month, but the weather keeps playing up on us, but we finally got to go today! The water was surprisingly warm and my skin is all soft from lying on the sand. Spent a good few hours there, was so good being able to lie in the sun =D

Came home and packed. My bag is practically empty... Want to replenish my wardrobe over there, my cousin came over today and from what he told me his bag is way emptier then mine. So we basically need to go shopping right away =D

The photo is of some lotion I got yesterday, it smells so good! Makes my skin feel really good as well.

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