Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Collective Nouns for Birds..........

I had no idea what the collective noun would be for a group of Cormorants, perhaps a "Fleet of Cormorants", as they do technically go fishing, or how about a "Rod" or even a "Boat of Cormorants"...........
Wrong, it's simply a "Flight of Cormorants"............They're sat a top a derelict building which is actually on a jetty / pontoon about 100mtrs from the shore.
The jetty was used in days gone by as a loading station for armaments for various Naval vessels, unfortunately now it's kept company by the hulks of vessels awaiting their final voyage to the breakers yard.

Getting back to the collective nouns, heres a short list you may want to take a look at..........

Sorted by Bird Type

aerie of eagles
aerie of hawks
ascension of larks
band of jays
bevy of doves
bevy of quail
bevy of swans
bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)
brace of ducks
brood of chickens
brood of chicks
brood of hens
brood of turkeys (immature)
building of rooks
bury of conies
cast of hawks
chain of bobolinks
charm of finches
charm of goldfinches
charm of hummingbirds
chattering of choughs
chattering of chicks
clamor of rooks
clutch of chicks
colony of gulls
colony of penguins
colony of vultures
company of parrots
congregation of birds
congregation of plovers
conspirancy of ravens
convocation of eagles
cote of doves
cover of coots
covey of pheasants (on the ground)
covey of ptarmigans
covey of grouse
covey of partridges
covey of quail
crèche of penguins
deceit of lapwings
descent of woodpeckers
dissimulation of birds
dole of doves
dule of turtledoves
dule of doves
exaltation of larks
fall of woodcocks
flight of birds
flight of cormorants
flight of doves
flight of pigeons
flight of swallows
flock of birds
flock of chickens
flock of ducks
flock of geese
flock of pigeons
flock of swifts
flock of turkeys
flush of ducks
gaggle of geese
hedge of herons
herd of curlews
herd of swans
host of sparrows
huddle of penguins
kettle of hawks
lamentation of swans
mob of emus
murder of crows
murmuration of starlings
muster of peacocks
muster of storks
mustering of storks
nest of pheasants
nide of pheasants (on the ground)
nye of pheasants (on the ground)
ostentation of peacocks
pack of grouse
paddling of ducks
parcel of penguins
parliament of rooks
parliament of owls
party of jays
peep of chickens
piteousness of doves
pitying of turtledoves
plump of wildfowl
plump or waterfowl
raft of wigeons
raft of ducks
rafter of turkeys
rookery of penguins
scold of jays
sedge of bitterns
sedge of cranes
sedge of herons
siege of bitterns
siege of cranes
siege of herons
skein of geese (in flight)
skein of goslings
sord of mallards
spring of teals
storytelling of crows
storytelling of ravens
storytelling of rooks
team of ducks
tidings of magpies
unkindness of ravens
volery of birds
wake of buzzards
walk of snipes
watch of nightingales
wedge of geese (flying in a 'V')
wedge of swans (flying in a 'V')
wing of plovers
wisdom of owls
wisp of snipes

congregation of birds
dissimulation of birds
flight of birds
flock of birds
volery of birds
sedge of bitterns
siege of bitterns
chain of bobolinks
wake of buzzards
brood of chickens
flock of chickens
peep of chickens
brood of chicks
chattering of chicks
clutch of chicks
chattering of choughs
bury of conies
cover of coots
flight of cormorants
sedge of cranes
siege of cranes
murder of crows
storytelling of crows
herd of curlews
bevy of doves
cote of doves
dole of doves
dule of doves
flight of doves
piteousness of doves
brace of ducks
flock of ducks
flush of ducks
paddling of ducks
raft of ducks
team of ducks
aerie of eagles
convocation of eagles
mob of emus
charm of finches
flock of geese
gaggle of geese
wedge of geese (flying in a 'V')
skein of geese (in flight)
charm of goldfinches
skein of goslings
covey of grouse
pack of grouse
colony of gulls
aerie of hawks
cast of hawks
kettle of hawks
brood of hens
hedge of herons
sedge of herons
siege of herons
charm of hummingbirds
band of jays
party of jays
scold of jays
deceit of lapwings
ascension of larks
exaltation of larks
tidings of magpies
sord of mallards
watch of nightingales
parliament of owls
wisdom of owls
company of parrots
covey of partridges
muster of peacocks
ostentation of peacocks
colony of penguins
crèche of penguins
huddle of penguins
parcel of penguins
rookery of penguins
nest of pheasants
covey of pheasants (on the ground)
nide of pheasants (on the ground)
nye of pheasants (on the ground)
bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)
flight of pigeons
flock of pigeons
congregation of plovers
wing of plovers
covey of ptarmigans
bevy of quail
covey of quail
conspirancy of ravens
storytelling of ravens
unkindness of ravens
building of rooks
clamor of rooks
parliament of rooks
storytelling of rooks
walk of snipes
wisp of snipes
host of sparrows
murmuration of starlings
muster of storks
mustering of storks
flight of swallows
bevy of swans
herd of swans
lamentation of swans
wedge of swans (flying in a 'V')
flock of swifts
spring of teals
flock of turkeys
rafter of turkeys
brood of turkeys (immature)
dule of turtledoves
pitying of turtledoves
colony of vultures
plump of waterfowl
raft of wigeons
plump of wildfowl
fall of woodcocks
descent of woodpeckers

Thanks for looking.


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